Walmart’s Dear Associate is a brand act that shows the impact we’ve made in our associates’ lives. We wanted to say thank you for all they’ve done, and who better to say thank you than a loved one.
We wanted to highlight older adults who have had fulfilling lives full of ups and downs. By celebrating their unexpected life journeys, we remind them and their loved ones that with Home Instead care their amazing journey can continue at home.
Kids have an amazing capacity for strength and resilience. We asked director parents to shoot their kids learning a new skill in real time. Through the lenses of the people who love them the most, we see these kids fall and fail on the path to success, showing us that growing up takes strength.
Magnify Melbourne is an award-winning documentary web series about the fabric of the city of Melbourne. This documentary was selected as best of the class and was chosen to be on the web series. Dan Ginane is a professional UFC fighter who is using his inner fire to fight for his dream of being a professional UFC fighter.
Director: Thomas Odell, Editor: Nicole Dombey, Producer: Nicole Dombey and Michael Watson, Cinematographer: Nicole Dombey and Akshay Kapadia